Dr Moni Sahay
Deputy Director
Mrs. Moni Sahay is working as Assistant Regional Director (Senior Scale) at the Regional Centre of Delhi -1 since 12th September, 2019. She joined IGNOU in May 2006 and has since then, served at the Regional Centres of Patna (Bihar) , Deoghar (Jharkhand) and the Regional Services Division at the Head Quarters.
She has worked and managed various aspects of the student support services for admissions, assignments, submission of projects and conduct of viva voce for various programmes, conduct and monitoring of term end exams, Term End Exam evaluation activities , information dissemination and coordinating with study centres for strengthening the system as a whole in terms of education provision.
She handled the responsibilities of the Regional Evaluation Centre , Patna for December 2009 and June 2010 Term End Exams. She was also a member of the Evaluation Committee for the evaluation of DPE Term End answer scripts in 2008.
She was the Regional Director In charge at Regional Centre Deoghar from April, 2015 to December 2015 and successfully handled the responsibilities to increase admissions manifolds and strengthen support services.
She successfully handled the responsibilities and assignments of the Regional Services Division including routine works, preparation of documents, preparation of exhibition material during Convocations, Foundation Day and other important occasions of the University.
She has her Post Graduation from Patna University, M. Phil from JNU and PGDDE from IGNOU. She has the UGC – Junior Research Fellowship from the subject Geography and her fields of interest include regional development, rural development, skill studies and education. Before joining IGNOU, she also worked as Project Associate in NIEPA (National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration), with the IDEPA (International Diploma in Educational Planning and Administration) Unit.
IGNOU Regional Centre,
Block B-1
Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate
Mathura Road,
New Delhi - 110044
Ph. 011-26990084,
Website: www.rcdelhi1.ignou.ac.in

