05 March, 2025
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1. Regional Centre Profile 2019
2. Active Learner Support Centres (LSCs as on 21.11. 2019)
3. Part Time Staff at Active LSCs (as on 22.07.2019)
4. Academic Councellor at LSCs (as on 13.09.2019)
5. Extenstion and Outreach Programmes Organised (Annexure-4)
6. No. of Employees & Learners Participated in Extension & Outreach Programmes Organised (Annexure-5)
7. ICT Infrastructure at Regional Centre (Annexure-6)
8. ICT Infrastructure at LSCs (Annexure-7)
A) ICT Infrastructure at LSCs (Short Video) 07162P II 07135D
9. Cumulative Details of Counselling Sessions Conducted at LSCs (as on 13.09.2019)