05 March, 2025

Regional Centre

Pre-admission counselling
Enhanced coordination with learner support centres (LSCs) to strengthen the support services. Visits/Meetings have been conducted to the LSCs for ensuring proper delivery of Programmes and learner support services.
Rigorous publicity measures are being undertaken to effectively publicize IGNOU Programmes. Developed and distributed posters, leaflets and brochures in both English and Hindi for Programmes of IGNOU along with the detailed List of Learner Support Centres to promote awareness about IGNOU Programmes.
Publicized IGNOU Programmes during IRC Sessions along with information about the calendar and procedure of admission.
Extensive use of SMS services to inform the learners about confirmation of admission, re-registration, examination, counselling, etc.
An exclusive section deals with student support related matters, such as change of Programme, Medium, Course, Elective, Record Rectification, Change of Study Centre/Regional Centre etc.
The section offers one-window solution to the students with the help of an up-to-date computerized data. The support services are provided on Saturdays also.
For expeditious settlement of the grievances various formats have been developed and used.
Confirmation letters sent to the students carries important information about the schedule and also the important contact points.
Student grievances received electronically or through HQs, are promptly resolved
Open meetings are regularly conducted with the students at RC and also at LSCs for obtaining direct feedback and also for immediate redressal of the problems.
Orientation Programmes for the Academic Counsellors and LSC functionaries are regularly conducted to apprise them of the guidelines and norms of University as also to ensure effective delivery of learner support services.
Coordination with Schools/Institutions for popularizing IGNOU Programmes.
Induction meetings of newly enrolled and meetings of prospective learners at LSCs.